"Help me to do it myself. Show me how to do it.
Don't do it for me. I can and will do it on my own.
Have patience to understand my ways.
They may be longer, they may take more time because I want to make several attempts. Put up with mistakes and effort, because I can learn from them."
Maria Montessori

Opening Hours
Classes are for all grades Monday through Friday and consist of study time, lunch and supervised free time.
from 7:45 am (latest 8:10am)
Monday - Thursday 8:15am – 3pm
Friday 8:15am - 1pm

Tuition Fees
Monthly instalments of
€ 750.- per month, 12 times per year
Including healthy snacks and lunch
One-time costs
Registration fee of € 500,-
*(index date September 2023)
Excursions, tickets, etc.
are to be paid separately.
Sibling discount: Younger siblings get a 7% discount on school fees. This discount can be applied to the time when the siblings attend school together.

It is a special concern of ours and completely in the spirit of Maria Montessori to be able to offer each child that possibility to be enrolled in our school!
As a private school we are also a business organization and have to charge school fees in order to be able to finance the school at all. Nevertheless, we would like to make a qualified contribution to the integration and social permeability of our society and award two partial scholarships for the school year 2023/24 for families who would like to have their children attend the AMAVIDA Montessori School, but whose financial means are not sufficient to cover the full school expenses. The scholarship awarded will be valid until the 6th grade, although the requirements will be reviewed on a yearly basis.
The application for the school year 2023/24 can be submitted until 28.02.2023 at the latest. For this purpose, the application form must first be filled out. In addition, we request a letter of motivation from the parents explaining why they have chosen Montessori education. Afterwards, our pedagogues would like to get to know the child ("trial day") and we will invite the parents to a personal interview.